One of the qualitatively extracted narratives concerns QAnon.
- Claims associated with the narrative
- Associated words
- Relative frequency of comments associated with the narrative
- Most active users associated with the narrative
Claims associated with the narrative
- COVID-19 is a plot of the world elite.
- COVID-19 is a plot of groups like Illuminati, Freemasons, etc.
- COVID-19 is used to cover up the busting of pedophile network of famous people (they are holding the children to drink their blood. The hormon Andrenochrom, which is produced through fear, is wanted from children because these people belive it keeps them young and healthy.).
Associated words
Matches within the data set for the following words were collected (not case sensitiv).
German words | |||
qanon | q | anon | weltelite |
adrenochrom | adrenochrome | xavier | naidoo |
elite | pizzagate | kindesmisshandlung | pädophilie |
kindesmissbrauch | reptiloide | reptiloiden | reichsbürger |
chemtrail | illuminati | freimaurer | chemtrails |
English translation
English words | |||
qanon | q | anon | world elite |
adrenochrome | adrenochromes | xavier | naidoo |
elite | pizzagate | child abuse | pedophilia |
child abuse (different word in German) | reptiloids | reptiloids (different form in German) | reichsbürger |
chemtrail | illuminati | freemasons | chemtrails |
Explanations of unusual words
QAnon = a group that was started 2017 on a website by a person claiming to be part of the Trump administration. It is highly associated with diverse conspiracy theories over the years.
Q = another name used for the group QAnon
anon = the supporters of QAnon
adrenochrome/adrenochromes = a hormone supposedly helping to stay young and beautiful
xavier naidoo = German singer that associates with QAnon narratives. He published a video claiming the pedophile network narrative.
pizzagate = a conspiracy theory during the presidential election in the U.S. in the year 2016 claiming that Clinton is involved in a pedohpile network (and they claim that the E-mail scandal was concerning evidence from that)
reptiloids = another theory pushed by David Icke (supporter of various conspiracy theories) claims that almost all leading politicians are reptiloids from outer space
reichsbürger = collection of German groups that claim that the German state is a construct and does not exist
chemtrails/chemtrail = one of the conspiracy theories associated with David Icke and QAnon claiming that we are controlled through substances in chemtrails (trails from airplanes)
The following table shows the matches:
Matches | |||||
qanon: | 37 | q: | 0 | anon: | 9 |
weltelite: | 2 | adrenochrom: | 12 | adrenochrome: | 6 |
xavier: | 58 | naidoo: | 71 | elite: | 324 |
pizzagate: | 10 | kindesmisshandlung: | 0 | pädophilie: | 4 |
reptiloide: | 18 | reptiloiden: | 114 | reichsbürger: | 60 |
kindesmissbrauch: | 0 | chemtrail: | 73 | illuminati: | 42 |
freimaurer: | 31 | chemtrails: | 393 |
Relative frequency of comments associated with the narrative
Most active users associated with the narrative
The following plots show the overall activity of those users which were associated the most (top 10) with the narrative.