One of the qualitatively extracted narratives concerns 5G.

Claims associated with the narrative

  • The 5G network causes COVID-19 and is therefore a danger to everybody.
  • The 5G radio masts transmit COVID-19 as one can see as where 5G radio masts are there are more COVID-19 cases.

Associated words

Matches within the data set for the following words were collected (not case sensitiv).


German words  
5G funkmast
netzabdeckung funkmasten
netz strahlen
mast strahlung
masten 4G
telefonmast telefonmasten

English translation

English words  
5G radio mast
network coverage radio masts
network rays
mast radiation
masts 4G
telephone poles telephone pole


The following table shows the matches:

5G: 608 netzabdeckung: 2 netz: 650
mast: 34 masten: 135 funkmast: 2
funkmasten: 12 strahlen: 70 strahlung: 130
4G: 30 telefonmast: 1 telefonmasten: 0

Relative frequency of comments associated with the narrative


Most active users associated with the narrative

The following plots show the overall activity of those users which were associated the most (top 10) with the narrative.


user user user user user user user user user user