One of the qualitatively extracted narratives concerns Refugees.

Claims associated with the narrative

  • COVID-19 is used to distract from the fact that a large number of refugees are brought to Austria.
  • Refugees are exempted from the COVID-19 countermeasurements.
  • Refugees bring COVID-19 to Austria.

Associated words

Matches within the data set for the following words were collected (not case sensitiv).


German words    
flüchtlinge islam scheinasylant
flüchtling kickl scheinasylanten
wildon migrant wirtschaftsflüchtling
muslime migranten wirtschaftsflüchtlinge
muslim asylanten einwanderung
asyl asylant  


English words    
refugees islam bogus asylum seeker
refugee kickl bogus asyulm seekers
wildon migrant economic refugee
muslims migranten economic refugees
muslim asylees immigration
asylum asylee  

Explanations of unusual words

wildon = a town in Austria where refugees arrived after the lock-down and a picture appeared in the media

kickl = an Austrian right-wing politician (FPÖ)


The following table shows the matches:

flüchtlinge 690 islam 88 scheinasylant 0
flüchtling 55 kickl 3262 scheinasylanten 0
wildon 8 migrant 48 wirtschaftsflüchtling 0
muslime 63 migranten 427 wirtschaftsflüchtlinge 0
muslim 21 asylanten 68 einwanderung 24
asyl 154 asylant 12    

Relative frequency of comments associated with the narrative


Most active users associated with the narrative

The following plots show the overall activity of those users which were associated the most (top 10) with the narrative.


user user user user user user user user user user